This is Scruffy. Oh, the life of a house cat! He and Molly got microchips today as well as shots. You'd never know it though. They are acting as normal as can be! I'm sure you'll see more of both of them as the days go by...
What's warm, fuzzy and soft? This little guy and 20 other things that Kindergartner's will bring for Show and Share tomorrow. This is what my Kindergartner will show and share. Isn't he cute? Every Thursday night we have to find something that meets the weeks criteria. It's a fun little project...
I took a walk down by the creek near our house today. These two things caught my eye. The dead flower still poking through the snow and all the footprints on the frozen creek. Some appear to be those of a person, all others from some kind of animal.
This is Miss Molly our pug. She's become quite spoiled since our move. Not a bad thing... This is not the first you've seen of her, nor will it be the last, she just looked so cute all snuggled up today getting ready for a nap :)