I had a booth at the
Johnson County Small Business Expo this past weekend - so did the
St Francis Animal Shelter from here in Buffalo... We fell in love with a couple dogs and since we are now homeowners again, we adopted them. They are pictured here. Foxy is the reddish chow mix and Trixie is part Australian Cattle dog as well as beagle (we think). They have become an awesome addition to our family and are so mellow in comparison to our little Miss Molly, although you can't tell that from her photo. Speaking of that, I just got the notification that it's time to take Pug Pics for the
CPR calendar. She was Miss February in 2011 and I missed the deadline for 2012, so I better get going for 2013! You can see pics from today right here of all three lovely ladies!
Well, we move forward with our remodel. The pantry is done, except for the floor, the bedroom is completely sheet rocked and ready for texture - They are gonna do that Friday while I run to Casper to pick out bathroom fixtures as it's LOUD! Bathroom tear out started today. The kids are on spring break so they have been pulling up the carpet in their room, taking dogs for walks, going to Dog Class and yard work. Never a dull moment around here!
Foxy |
Molly |
Trixie |
New Pantry - Painted Pita Bread on walls and Casa Blanca on the ceiling. |
Bedroom with closets and new windows |
Entry from kitchen/office area - Pantry door on right - bedroom straight ahead with attic access above |
Bathroom Before... |
Bathroom Before...
Bathroom Before...
Bathroom Before...